DREAMS Album | Instant Download

108,65 kr SEK

Download Darrin's first full-length album DREAMS.

This album is a reminder to myself and an encouragement to others that even though our dreams can be alluring, that "all these dreams hold no assurance, no, no... the only thing to do is fear the Lord... THE ONLY THING TO DO IS FEAR THE LORD!"

The only success we will ever have is to be fully submitted to Christ and seek HIm daily. "Acknowledge HIm in all your steps, only He controls what's coming next... FEAR THE LORD, OH!" Many times God works in ways that are beyond our understanding and has plans that are greater than our own. Sometimes those plans include allowing our dreams to succeed, but other times God asks us to sacrifice our dreams and lay down our lives for HIm and trust that He has plan that's even greater than what we desire.

The only question is are we will to trust Him with our dreams and be willing to lay them down if necessary, or are we clinging to idols and asking God will bless them?


  1. Rap Apostle
  2. Alright
  3. One Truth One Baptism
  4. Own Worst Enemy ft. Sumbody
  5. So High ft. Hilgy
  6. Sometimes ft. Willow Spark
  7. Dreams
  8. Son Glasses ft. Lydell
  9. No More Lies
  10. You Still Call Me Yours
  11. We Bout It